jeudi 19 février 2009


Big Boys (USA) "We're not in it to lose"
Telecommande (France) "6128 frustration/suicide"
Zounds (UK) "Can't cheat karma"
Kruw (Japon) "The punx"
The Left (USA) "Teenage suicide"
Grupo Sub-1 (Espagne) "Tu a Boston yo a Babilonia"
Born/Dead (USA) "No options"
Lip Cream (Japon) "Kill ugly pop"
Rhythm Syndrom (USA) "Hardcore ruined my life"
Ratas Del Vaticano (Mexique) "Esquema social"
Los Crudos (USA) "Migra violencia"
Iszonyat (Hongrie) "Arral Szemben"
Silla Electrica (Espagne) "Policia"
Finally Punk (USA) "Negative creep" (Nirvana)
Le Coeur Noir (Saigne Rouge) (France) "Global hawk"
Brain Handle (USA) "Smiling"
Japanther (USA) "Before the sun goes down"
Total Noise Accord (Japon)
The Cramps (USA) "Green fuzz"
Los Llamarada (Mexique) "The late great MTY trip"
Animals & Men (UK) "Shell shock"

vendredi 6 février 2009


TELECOMMANDE (fr) "je hais ton groupe"
LE COEUR NOIR (fr) "balais mécanique"
KRAUT (us) "onward"
TK "?"
SNOBB SLAKT (suède) "Snobb Slakt"
DESCENDENTS (us) "mariage"
ECONOCHRIST (us) "trendmill"
DEAD MILKMEN (us) "big lizard"
ULTIMO RESORTE (esp) "un guerra sin fondo"
TOLLWUT (all) "keine chance"
AMDI PETERSENS ARME (dk) "de hjernedodes nat"
NISSES NOTTER (suède) "pissefjang"
SLIME (all) "ihr seid schon"
DEAN DIRG (all) "I don't like your band"
BLITZ (uk) "new age"
LAST RESORT (uk) "violence in our mind"
THE NERVES (us) "when you find out"
DNA (suède) "400000000000000 döda kroppar"
AUSWEISS (fr) "eva"
JOY DIVISION (uk) "means to an end"
NOT SO BRAVE (?) "face of the west"
WILSON PICKET (us) "don't let the green grass fool you"

jeudi 5 février 2009


MEN'S RECOVERY PROJECT "working for the mossad"
THE MENTAL (uk) "kill the lull"
SCEPTIC DEATH (us) "quit"
TRADITIONAL FOOLS (us)"party at my house"
MANIAX (uk) "off to war"
ULTIMO RESORTE (esp) " autodestruccion"
LOS LLAMARADA (mex) "atonoraska"
VIOLENT UPRISING (uk) "sysem sucker"
MARKEDMEN (us) "ditch"
LUNGLEG (uk) "milk and water"
The GOBBLINZ (uk) "love me too"
LOUISE MITCHELS (fr) "ofélipachi"
LOS WEBELOS (esp) "hitler vive en un campo de concentracion"
LEUZEMIA (peru) "crisis en la gran ciudad"
SEX VID (us) "communal living"
HORROR (esp) "demolicion"
YOUNG OFFENDERS (us) "saints"
NODZZZ (us) "I have bad news"
SNFU (can) "cannibal cafe"
MIA (us) "new left"
US GIRLS (us) "buzz chant"