jeudi 19 février 2009


Big Boys (USA) "We're not in it to lose"
Telecommande (France) "6128 frustration/suicide"
Zounds (UK) "Can't cheat karma"
Kruw (Japon) "The punx"
The Left (USA) "Teenage suicide"
Grupo Sub-1 (Espagne) "Tu a Boston yo a Babilonia"
Born/Dead (USA) "No options"
Lip Cream (Japon) "Kill ugly pop"
Rhythm Syndrom (USA) "Hardcore ruined my life"
Ratas Del Vaticano (Mexique) "Esquema social"
Los Crudos (USA) "Migra violencia"
Iszonyat (Hongrie) "Arral Szemben"
Silla Electrica (Espagne) "Policia"
Finally Punk (USA) "Negative creep" (Nirvana)
Le Coeur Noir (Saigne Rouge) (France) "Global hawk"
Brain Handle (USA) "Smiling"
Japanther (USA) "Before the sun goes down"
Total Noise Accord (Japon)
The Cramps (USA) "Green fuzz"
Los Llamarada (Mexique) "The late great MTY trip"
Animals & Men (UK) "Shell shock"

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