mercredi 2 septembre 2009


Mika Miko (USA) "I got a lot"
State Children (Japon)
Homostupids (USA) "Spitboy"
Les Hulks (France) "Baby pussy"
NOFX (USA) "No way" (Adolescents)
Talk Is Poison (USA) "Floor"
Billy Bao (Euskadi) "Tight ass bleeds"
Black Time (UK) "I'm gonna hunt you..."
The Anals (France) "Love lives in the street"
Pointed Sticks (Canada) "All that matters"
Devo (USA) "Penetration in the centerfold"
Electric Eels (USA) "Zoot zoot"
The Raincoats (UK) "Lola" (Kinks)
Lamps (USA) "Eliseo"
The Dead Milkmen (USA) "Serrated edge"
GG Allin (USA) "Assface"
Shitty Limits (UK) "Messin with the kid"
Animals & Men (UK) "John of the sword"
Traditional Fools (USA) "Snot rag"
The Bugs (USA) "You gotta wait"
Vivien Goldman (UK) "Launderette"
Teengenerate (Japon) "1979"
Carbonas (USA) "Phone booth"

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